James hardie fire and acoustic design manual
Hardie™ Smart Boundary wall system is a fire and acoustic rated boundary wall solution designed for Class 1 & 10a timber framed buildings. Designed for townhouses, terraces and detached buildings where external walls are in close proximity to the boundary. Also suitable for bushfire zone areas (up James Hardie fire and acoustic floor system is built using the standard floor construction methodologies used in light weight timber frame building construction. The floor system uses two layers of Secura Interior Flooring, the first layer is fixed to the timber floor joists and the second layer fixed DESIGN OPTIONS MASONRY ACOUSTIC UPGRADES Masonry Acoustic Upgrades systems outlined in this manual achieve acoustic ratings up to R w+C tr=63 (R Basis of Design University of Washington. Fire And Acoustic Design Manual 3. BRANZ Appraisal James Hardie Rigid Air Barriers. For James Hardie's product warranty information and disclaimers about the information in this guide, visit jameshardie.com.au. This will depend on the wall configuration and internal materials used. For more information refer to the James Hardie Fire and Acoustic Rated Walls Application James Hardie® products are durable building materials that are easy to incorporate into practical building Fire and Acoustically rated walls suitable. • Greater tile adhesion than plasterboard. • * Compared to standard plasterboard systems with a 90mm timber frame with similar acoustic and fire Refer to 'Fire and Acoustic' Design Manual for further information about fire rated systems. Refer to James Hardie Rigid Air Barriers Installation Manual for information regarding installation. 4.3 VENT STRIP The James Hardie uPVC cavity vent strip must be installed at the bottom of all walls Resistant to fire, rot resistant and resistant to moisture damage. Engineered to perform in harsh conditions, including coastal environments. Up to 60 minute fire resistance rating (FRR) can be achieved when installed as per the James Hardie Fire and Acoustic Design Manual. (NOT SUPPLIED BY JAMES HARDIE) Fire and Acoustic-Rated Sealant Use Bostik FireBan One fire rated (NOT SUPPLIED BY JAMES HARDIE) Fire Resisting Mineral Wool Used to seal cavities and maintain Refer to the respective Hardie™ internal lining installation manual for coating and/or tiling Fire and Acoustic Design Manual.The specifier or other responsible party for the project must ensure the information and details in this manual are appropriate for If you're not sure you do, or you needmore information, visit jameshardie.co.nz or Ask James Hardie on 0800 808 868.4 James the James Hardie Fire and Acoustically Rated Design Manual and ONLY IN WELL VENTILATED AREA James Hardie products use HEPA vacuums or James A high performance internal wall lining that has been especially developed for wet and dry areas and Fire and Acoustic Design Manual. This manual provides information for designers of James Hardie fire and acoustically rated walls, framed from timber or steel, for use in residential and commercial Villaboard lining provides advantages when acoustic performance is needed from fire and acoustically rated walling systems. Refer to latest James Hardie Fire & Acoustic Design Manual - Figure 7: Intertenancy Fire Separation, for the horizontal joint detail to create a fire separation in conjunction with James Hardie claddings. For construction details of James Hardie claddings with RAB Board, Ask James Hardie on 0800 808 868. Refer to latest James Hardie Fire & Acoustic Design Manual - Figure 7: Intertenancy Fire Separation, for the horizontal joint detail to create a fire separation in conjunction with James Hardie claddings. For construction details of James Hardie claddings with RAB Board, Ask James Hardie on 0800 808 868. Refer to 'Fire and Acoustic' Design Manual for further information about fire rated systems. 2.10 ENERGY EFFICIENCY. The James Hardie uPVC cavity vent strip must be installed at the bottom of all walls constructed using the drained and ventilated cavity construction method. James hardie JHETGJ60 system based on james hardie fire and accoustic design manual (aug '17). 2 LAYERS 10mm STD GIB B'D EACH SIDE. Wall framing gib soundseal acoustic sealant.
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